Program Meeting on Zoom
Thursday, February 11th
7:00 P.M.
Self-Publishing WWII Letters:
A Journey of Sharing
Guest Speaker: Cindy Speakman
In 2016, Cindy Speakman was given a shoebox of letters her father had written home during World War II. She wanted to share the letters with her siblings but was afraid the box would get lost. Cindy retyped the letters planning to make copies for the family, but the cost was prohibitive. She learned from a friend about self-publishing through Kindle Direct Publishing, a branch of Amazon. Cindy will share some of the letters as well as the publishing process and the joy of having your own book in your hands.
There will be a short business meeting prior to the presentation.
Please make your RSVP by Monday, February 8th, to Elaine Hordes (enhordes@aol.com).

Cindy Speakman, guest speaker
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