Statement of Core
Values The Congregation will follow
the forms, practices and usages of Conservative Judaism, shall be affiliated
with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and shall be bound by
its Standards of Congregational Practice. We value our congregation
as a social and educational community as well as a spiritual center. Volunteerism
provides the foundation for our synagogue and is reflected in our core
Synagogue Community
- The Congregation is egalitarian, warm, welcoming, inclusive and accessible to all Jews,
whether Jews by birth or traditional (halakhic) conversion, regardless
of their race, age, gender, sexual orientation or the faith practiced by others in their household.
- We embrace the value of congregational
unity and strive to achieve it, emphasizing the importance of respecting all who are associated with NHS.
- The Congregation derives its strength from the diversity and active participation of its membership. We encourage all members and those living in members' households to be involved in congregational services, programs, and activities.
- The congregation values
participatory decision making and full inclusion. We encourage discussion
and tolerate dissent. We value and achieve harmonious, respectful Board/Staff
- We encourage and support
youth involvement in Jewish youth groups, particularly those sponsored
by the Conservative movement: USY, Kadima and KOACH.
- We will not turn away any
members because they cannot afford dues. We will strive to keep dues
as low as possible by encouraging voluntary contributions, such as through
a High Holiday Appeal.
- The Congregation strives to enhance the community's religious experience
through new and creative approaches to programming.
Professional Leadership
- The Rabbi serves as the
Halakhic authority for the congregation, has complete freedom to
his/her views on the pulpit, is a member of the Conservative Rabbinical
Assembly, and is an ex-officio member of the congregation.
- Professional staff should
sympathetically and empathetically support and address congregants'
spiritual, emotional, and intellectual needs.
- The Rabbi and congregation
value and encourage congregational participation and lay expertise in
leading traditional, egalitarian services.
- The congregation will
operate a kitchen that is kosher by halakhic standards, including
Shabbat and
holiday observance.
- The congregation is committed
to lifelong learning. We value intellectual depth and sophistication
in Jewish education and expect our professional staff to deliver substantive
education and service leadership.
- The congregation is committed
to securing the best possible Jewish education for all of our youth.
- We will develop and administer
our education and youth programs to meet the needs of both day school
and religious school students so that both groups feel equal and
in the congregation.
- Jewish education does not
end at bar or bat mitzvah. We will do everything in our power to encourage
all our youth to continue their Jewish education. We actively support
Mercaz and are committed to its success.
Community Involvement
- The congregation and professional
staff actively support Israel, the Jewish community of Cincinnati, and
the Jewish community worldwide.
- We are committed to social
action and gemilut hasadim.
- We support Cincinnati Jewish
community programs and service agencies, actively plan joint programs
with other congregations, and encourage our members and staff to participate
in community activities.
The statement
of core values was originally adopted by the Board of Trustees of Northern Hills
Synagogue - Congregation B'nai Avraham on August 26, 2002. The above statement reflects amendments as of October 30, 2011.
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