Our core values declare that “Volunteerism provides the foundation for our synagogue.” At Northern Hills Synagogue, “Where you’re welcome… where you count!” is not just a slogan – it expresses our culture and an integral part of our congregation’s identity.
After a recent High Holy Days, a newer member summed up why volunteerism is such an important value when he said, “Services were such a meaningful experience to me since our congregants participate in all aspects of the service, which fills my heart with warm thoughts and makes me feel at home.”
While every congregation has financial needs, “giving” to Northern Hills Synagogue is not solely about money. Each member of our congregational community is valued for his/her ideas, efforts, abilities, and interests, and invited to participate in the manner and to extent he/she is comfortable with. The contribution of time, effort and love to the congregation may be the most valued contribution a member makes.
At Northern Hills, you are invited to:
- lead a service
- help plan a social event
- tutor a child
- serve lunch at the Over-the-Rhine Soup Kitchen
- call a prospective member
- help out in the office
- usher during a service
- come to minyan services
- help prepare a lunch
- bake cookies for an Oneg Shabbat
- help assemble the Sukkah for Sukkoth
- supervise games at a Purim carnival
- help landscape the grounds
- clean up after a Kiddush
- organize a study session
- work at the Rummage Sale
- participate in a Sisterhood or Men’s Club meeting
- set up chairs for the High Holy Days
- serve on the Board
- suggest ideas for a new program
- write articles for the Israelite
- take photos at events
and give of yourself in so many other ways. In other words, you can take part in every aspect of synagogue life. But, if your life style and circumstances make it difficult for you to take an active role, you are still valued as an integral part of our community.
For more information about volunteer opportunities at Northern Hills Synagogue, please contact our Synagogue president, or call the Synagogue office at (513) 931-6038.