Rabbi George (Gershom) Barnard
Rabbi Emeritus
Gershom (George) Barnard, Rabbi Emeritus of Northern Hills Synagogue, was born in Brookline, Massachusetts, and
attended schools in Brookline and Stoughton, Massachusetts, and Harvard
University, from which he graduated in 1969 with the degree of
B.A. summa cum laude in philosophy.
He attended the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion
in New York from 1969 to 1975, earning the degree of M.A.H.L. with
as well as a rabbinical diploma. His rabbinic
dissertation was on the subject “The Seven Noachide Commandments
Considered as a Contribution to the Theory of Natural Law”.
From 1971 to 1973, Rabbi Barnard studied Jewish Philosophy at the
Hebrew University in Jerusalem. In 1982, he received the degree
of M.Ed. from
the University of Cincinnati, having completed studies in the Department
of Curriculum and Instruction.
His wife, Sarah, whom he met in Israel, is a native of Toronto;
she is a librarian at Hebrew Union College. Rabbi and Mrs. Barnard were married in 1974,
they have three children, Noam Yaakov, Miriam Batsheva, and Ryvka
In 1975, Rabbi Barnard became the spiritual leader of Congregation
B'nai Avraham - Northern Hills Synagogue. He is a member of
the Rabbinical Assembly, the Greater Cincinnati Board of Rabbis,
and the National
Rabbinic Cabinet of the Jewish Federations of North America. In 1987 he was honored with the
Israel Freedom Award by State of Israel Bonds. In 2000, Rabbi
was awarded the degree of Doctor of Divinity honoris causa
by Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion, and, in
2001, he
honored by the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. In 1983-1985,
and again in 2001-2003, he served as President of the Greater
Cincinnati Board of Rabbis.
On June 30, 2014, Rabbi Barnard retired after 39 years of dedicated service to Northern Hills Synagogue. He remains an important part of our community as Rabbi Emeritus.
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