With Bob Alper, Rabbi/Stand-up Comic (Really!)
SUNDAY, JUNE 13, 2021
7:00 pm
Northern Hills Synagogue was delighted to present "An Evening of Much Needed Laughter" with our guest Rabbi Bob Alper! The fundraising event was available to attend either in-person or streaming.
The evening began with socializing in the lobby, and then everyone went into the sanctuary for the program. Chair Jeff Bassin welcomed everyone and introduced Rabbi Bob Alper.
Bob spoke first on The Spirtuality of Laughter: A Jewish Look at the Holiness of Humor. He explored humor in ancient and modern Jewish tradition, and considered why laughter has been such an integral part of Jewish culture. He also shared some anecdotes from his experiences as a congregational Rabbi.
- Why are Jews so funny?!
- The psychological, physical, and spiritual value of clean, unhurtful comedy
- Humor as coping mechanism in times of transition, celebration and stress
- Laughter as a critical role in tikkun olam
- A special focus on Bob's Laugh-in Peace Tour with Christian and Muslim comedians
After about an hour, he transitioned into his standup routine, which had us rolling in the aisles with laughter!
Read more about Rabbi Alper here: https://www.bobalper.com/
Photography by Vic Amster.

Jeff Bassin, Fundraising Chair, and Sue Amster greeted people in the lobby. |

Jeff Bassin welcomed everyone and introduced Rabbi Bob Alper. |

Rabbi Bob Alper. |

Rabbi Alper on the bima. |

The audience was socially distanced. |

After the program, Jeff Bassin invited everyone attending into the Social Hall for refreshments,
and invited those watching on their computers to get a snack. |

Everyone enjoyed a variety of cookies, fruit, and beverages. |

Lois and Jeff Gushin, Amy Frankel and Connie Hinitz. |

Rabbi Bob Alper and Rabbi Noah Ferro. |

The Fundraising Committee: Ron and Sandy Richards, Sue Amster, (with Rabbi Bob Alper)
Jeff Bassin, Vic Amster, Amy Frankel and NHS President Bill Freedman |

Jeff, Gayna and Eddie Bassin, Amy Frankel and Sue Amster.
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