February 2, 2020
9:00 am
The World Wide Wrap was held on Sunday morning, February 2, 2020. We had minyan regulars that participated and helped those that were not familiar with wrapping tefillin.
Rabbi Ferro led a discussion regarding the mitzvah of wrapping tefillin and an understanding of how the arm and head boxes are constructed and what writings are in each.
A light breakfast after minyan was sponsored by the Men's Club. Photos by Vic Amster and Barry Wolfson.

Rabbi Ferro.

Rabbi Barnard.

Sheldon Davis and Michael Ganson.

Steven & Julie Pentelnik, Oded Zmora.

Jeff Gushin and Jeff Bassin.

Steven and Julie Pentelnik.

Laurel Wolfson.

Barry Wolfson.
Rabbi Ferro puts on his tefillin.

Sheldon Davis and Michael Ganson. |

The whole group (left to right): Bill Freedman, Laurel Wolfson, Gary Furst,
Jeff Bassin, Vic Amster, Rabbi Barnard, Steven Pentelnik, Oded Zmora,
Julie Pentelnik and Jeff Gushin. |
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