February 2, 2020
9:00 am
The World Wide Wrap will be held on Sunday morning, February 2, 2020. The World Wide Wrap is a yearly event from the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs that is meant to unite people in the mitzvah of wearing tefillin. The event is open to all congregants, including children. This is a great time to have children of Bar/Bat Mitzvah age learn how to wear tefillin. Breakfast will be served after minyan.
If you have not had the opportunity to wrap tefillin, or have not done it for a long time, we would love to have you participate at the Sunday morning minyan at 9:00 am.
We will have members help you to wear the tefillin properly and some background on why it is done. This event is open to men, women and children (including pre-Bar Mitzvah age). All attending are invited to enjoy a breakfast after the service and continue discussions.
Please RSVP to Vic Amster, President of Mens Club, at
Photos from World Wide Wrap 2019:

Spark School students with Sue Amster and Jeff Gushin.

Jeff Bassin demonstrating
how to wrap tefillin.
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