The NHS Sukkah Hop started at the festive Synagogue Sukkah at 12 noon. Everyone who attended enjoyed a healthy salad and assorted vegetarian pizzas prepared by our wonderful cooks, led by Amy Healy-Callahan.
Photography by Gayna Bassin.
Jeff Bassin and Fred Joffe.
Neil and Jane Zimmerman
The party moved to Rabbi Siff's new home and sukkah for a fruit course at 1:15 pm.
Gayna and Jeff Bassin, Jane Zimmerman, Rabbi Siff, Neil Zimmerman, and Matt Lee.
Diana and Henry Fenichel with the Rabbi's daughter.
The next stop was the home of Stan and Jane Shulman.
Luscious desserts!
Brian Freedman with Claire and Matt Lee in the Shulmans' Sukkah.
Many thanks to all the hosts and people who contributed to this fun event!