NHS Members Serve Lunch at Over the Rhine Soup Kitchen
Sunday, November 19, 2017
A warm and filling meal was served to almost 200 guests at the Over the Rhine Soup Kitchen. There were plenty of second helpings too! Twelve NHS adults and teens served the meal and a similar number prepared the main dish and desserts in advance. Four dates for 2018 are entered on the Synagogue calendar: 1/21, 6/24, 8/19, 11/18.
Serving the lunch were: Steve Karmel, Joe and Meredith Zukor, Alex and Candy Gellen, Mark and Judy Workman, Paula Nevins, Oded and Itamar Zamora, and Edie Neusner.
Other NHS members who cooked and shopped in advance included Laurel Wolfson, Karen Schwartz, Harriet Freedman, Ruth Joffe, Grace Lehrer, Bev Shapiro, Bea Horowitz and Jane Karlsberg.
Photography by Edith Neusner.
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