Sisterhood Lunch & Fashion Show
Sunday, December 7, 2014
The December Sisterhood meeting featured a delicious lunch at 12 noon, followed by a short Board meeting and a delightful "Fashion Through the Decades" Fashion Show and presentation. Sarah Barnard said the blessing over bread, HaMotzi, and everyone enjoyed the lunch buffet that included hot tomato soup, potato latkes with applesauce and sour cream, tuna salad, rolls, vegetables, humus, and assorted desserts.
At the Board Meeting, officers and committee chairs gave their reports. The annual Sisterhood Shabbat will take place January 17th, 2015. The Gift Shop will be closed for inventory December 24-January 5th. Sisterhood will no longer accept funds for the Ronald McDonald House, which provides support for families at Cincinnati Children's Hospital, but will collect pull tabs for the House.
The fashion show began at 1:30 pm and was created by Vanessa Leahr and Olivia Roth. Vanessa narrated the Powerpoint Presentation and Olivia ran the laptop. The models were volunteers from the synagogue. It was very entertaining to see how fashion has changed through the years.

Eileen Metz welcomed Edie Neusner and Cecilia Euster at the Registration Table. There was no charge for Sisterhood members. |


Pam Gardner, Sisterhood Co-President, welcomed everyone and Sandy Richards recited the HaMotzi, blessing over bread. |

Amy Healy-Callahan, our Kitchen manager, served tomato soup. |

Sarah Barnard led Birkat HaMazon, Grace after Meals.

Phyliss Shubs gave the Treasurer's Report, as Pam Gardner listened. |

Cecilia Euster, right, talked about Sisterhood's revised support of Cincinnati Children's Hospital and the Ronald McDonald House. We are no longer taking donations, but collecting pull-off tabs will provide funds for the Ronald McDonald House. |

Jeanne Aronoff talked about our new program, Caring Chavurah, which will offer support to NHS members in emotional transitions. |

Vanessa Leahr started the Fashion Show presentation. |

Barbara Goldstein listens as Vanessa narrated the presentation. |

A volunteer models clothes from the 1970s. |

Another model in clothes from the 1970s. |

More 1970s clothes. |

Another model of 1970s clothes. |

1990s model with Vanessa. |

More clothes from the 1990s. |

A prom dress from the 1990s. |

The scarf is detachable. |

Another model from the 1990s. |

Another model from the 1990s. |
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