Paid-Up Sisterhood Brunch
Sunday, September 8, 2019
11:00 am
Royal Duncan, NHS Co-President, welcomed everyone to the first Sisterhood event of the season. Other Co-President Judy Workman was out of town. Royal recited the HaMotzi and invited everyone to enjoy the sumptuous brunch buffet, which included baked salmon, pasta, croissants, and salads.
After the meal, Royal welcomed two new members, Sheila Ginsberg & Amy Rothchild, to Sisterhood, presenting each with a flower. She also held a brief business meeting with various board members reporting.
After brunch and a short board meeting, we were entertained with a program of Jewish music, opera and Broadway tunes sung by Ahdda Shur, accompanied by our own Claire Lee, pianist.
Local composer and mezzo-soprano Ahdda Shur has just released her CD Improvisations on Sacred Chants, based on Hindu and Hebrew Chants. Click here for more information and to hear a sample.
After the most enjoyable performance, the raffle prizes were awarded to several lucky members!
The next Sisterhood event will be on Sunday, December 8th, 2019. We will all make glass mosaic necklaces, just in time for Chanukah!

Candy Gellen and Paula Nevins signed in Sarah Barnard. |
Members signing in. |

Raffle prizes from the Sisterhood Gift Shop. |

Royal Duncan recited the HaMotzi blessing. |

NHS chef Amy Healey-Callahan, left, served the pasta. |

Desserts included cannoli, cheesecake, cookies and fruit. |

New member Sheila Ginsberg received a flower from Royal. |

So did Amy Rothchild. |

Pam Simowitz-Weber, Corresponding Secretary, also manages the Sisterhood Gift Shop. |

Raye Brass gave a report at the meeting. |

Bobbi Handwerger also spoke. |

This Sukkah panel was a volunteer project with many helping hands from Sisterhood members.
Phyliss Shubs was in charge of the Sukkah project, Judith Workman designed and
sketched the drawing, and Barbie Tomaino painted the main figures of the banner.
The NHS Sukkah panel will be displayed at the Mayerson JCC sukkah in October. |

Edie Neusner spoke, as Raye Brass and Bea Horowitz put in their raffle tickets for prizes. |

Royal Duncan introduced our guest performers, Ahdda Shur, mezzo-soprano,
& our own Claire Lee, pianist. |

Ahdda talked about each of the songs she was about to sing. |

Claire Lee added more information about the songs. |

Everyone enjoyed the performance. |

We all loved the performance! |

Sandy Richards won a purse at the raffle that perfectly matched her outfit! |
Phyliss Shubs won a Klezmer CD. |

Amy Rothchild won both the Shabbat candles and the kitchen tool. |

Lois Pornoy won the earrings and serving dishes set. |

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