Led by Nancy Bell & Judith Workman
Sunday, December 8, 2019
11:00 am
Sisterhood members gathered on Sunday morning to enjoy a light brunch, hear the latest news at the Board meeting and make glass mosaic pendants, just in time for Chanukah! We picked out different colored pieces of glass, beads, charms, etc. and glued them into pendant frames.
The next step, adding the grout, was completed on Thursday Dec. 19th.
Sisterhood Presidents are Judith Workman and Royal Duncan.

The brunch buffet. |

Brunch buffet. |

Judith Workman & Royal Duncan, Sisterhood Co-Presidents. |

Nancy Bell. |

Pieces of glass and beads were arranged on a long table. |

Colored glass and tools for handling the pieces. |

Tables were arranged in a large U. |

Judith Workman demonstrates how to handle the glass. |


The glued pendants were place in a box and will be grouted later. |
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