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Saturday, February 23, 2013
14 Adar 5773

At Congregation Ohav Shalom

The combined congregations of Northern Hills Synagogue and Ohav Shalom met in the Sanctuary at Ohav Shalom to celebrate the holiday of Purim on Saturday evening, February 23rd. Members of both congregations shared the reading of the Book of Esther, accompanied by a slide show translation and an assortment of different noisemakers, including cell phone grogger apps, to blot out the name of Haman!

After the service, everyone entered the Social Hall to enjoy a delicious 1950's style dinner, in honor of the musical "Schmaltz" (a parody of the musical "Grease"). A slice of iceberg lettuce with a topping of Thousand Island Dressing was at every place setting, and a dinner buffet served, (what else?) meat loaf, mashed potatoes and canned green beans.

After dessert, the Purim Dinner Theater cast performed the hilarious "Schmaltz...the Musical", written by Chaya Vidal and produced by her daughter, Chava Vidal. The pianist was Claire Lee, and Sycamore High School student Justin van Wagenen played drums. The music and butchered lyrics were adapted from the 1971 musical "Grease" by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey.
Cast members included: Scott Aronoff, Terry Brodof, Robyn Duvall, Dan Franklin, Gale Goldner, Kathy Hart, Barry Joffe, Melanie Joffe, Hank Lerer, Ed Schulman, Jonathan Schulman, Barry Wolfson, and Hank Stern as the Narrator.

Many thanks to the countless volunteers who made this evening unforgetable!

Photography by Gayna Bassin and Henry Fenichel.

Megillah readers gathered on the bima for a blessing.
Megillah readers gathered on the bima for a blessing.
The congregation
Many members of the congregation wore costumes.
Beverly Shapiro and Lynn Kohel Vic Levey
Sonja Rethy was the first reader.
Sonja Rethy began reading the Megillah,
the Book of Esther.
Translation of the Hebrew into English on a screen.
The Pentelniks used cell phone groggers.
The Pentelniks used cell phone groggers.
After the Purim service, everyone went to the Social Hall.
After the reading, everyone was invited into the Social Hall for dinner.
The Social Hall was imaginatively decorated in 1950's style.
The Social Hall was imaginatively decorated in 1950's style.
The decorated table
Pink Cadillac centerpieces.
Chips in paper bowls.
Chips and pretzels.
Cash bar offered wine and beer.
A cash bar offered wine and beer.
Dinner buffet

Cash bar
The cash bar.

After the iceberg lettuce salad, everyone lined up at
the several buffet stations for dinner.

Yummy meat loaf Katie and Steve Karmel with Lynn Kohel.
Pentelniks get dinner. Dinner buffet
Dinner buffet Roz Shapiro gets dinner.
Claire Lee and her son Ben.
Claire Lee and her son Ben.
Claire Lee, from the back.
Claire Lee's back: The Pink Dolls
Eddie Bassin and Barry Wolfson.
Eddie Bassin and Barry Wolfson.
Maksim Shilkrot, NHS Director of Education and Programming.
Maksim Shilkrot, NHS Director of Education and Programming.
Eddie and Justin on drums.
Justin van Wagenen on drums, with Eddie Bassin.
Rabbi Gershom and Sarah Barnard.
Rabbi Gershom and Sarah Barnard.
Eileen Metz The Fischers
Gerry and Phyliss Shubs Karrol Miller and Karyn and Joe Lazear.
Table shot Table shot
Doug Mossman and Claire Lee on keyboard
Bassins Table shot
Carol Hershensom and Mindy Nemoff Larry and Judy Knapp
The audience for "Schmaltz" The Social Hall was filled!
After dinner, the entertainment began.
The "Schmaltz" cast
The cast of "Schmaltz...the Musical"
Cast in conga line
The cast danced through the audience in a conga line.
Actors from the musical "Schmaltz" on stage Actors on stage
Chava Vidal
Chava Vidal was Producer, Director and Writer
of "Schmaltz... the Musical".
The Johnston family had a great time!
Cast Photo
The cast and crew of "Schmaltz... the Musical!"

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