Sisterhood OTR Soup Kitchen
Sunday, August 19, 2018
The congregation thanks the many NHS members who cooked and froze delicious food at the synagogue in July, and those who served it to hungry guests at the Over the Rhine Soup Kitchen (aka "Queen City Kitchens") on Sunday, August 19th. About 150 meals were served. Volunteers were: Sarah and Rabbi George Barnard, Diana Fenichel, Judy and Mark Workman, Lois Gushin, Candy Gellen, Royal and Fred Duncan, Steve Karmel, Joe Zukor, Elaine and Don Hordes, and Edie Neusner.
Our sisterhood co-sponsored the event and provided fresh fruit for our appreciative guests. Adults and teens who would like to cook or serve the next soup kitchen lunch, to be served on November 18 are encouraged to contact Edie Neusner. Soup kitchen service is a satisfying and enjoyable experience! Primary funding for our four lunches at the soup kitchen each year is from the synagogue's Richards Social Action Fund.

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