Important News about October Services
This weekend we're moving up our start time for Friday afternoon services. Please note the following items:
1. Friday afternoon services
For the rest of the month of October, we are moving the start time of our Friday Zoom services up to 5:30 PM. As we head deeper into autumn and toward the winter solstice, the time for candle-lighting and the beginning of Shabbat is getting earlier each week. We are rescheduling to ensure that services will conclude before that time.
Please note as well that beginning in November (following the time change), we will shift our start time again, moving it up to 4:00 PM.
In-Person Services
Would you like to attend in-person Shabbat morning services (9:30 AM) or be willing to if needed for a minyan?
We want to make sure we have a minyan at each in-person service. We do not anticipate a large crowd or any need to limit RSVPs.
Please RSVP for in-person services to:
This will help us make sure we both make minyan and offer appropriate room to our attendees.
3. Live Streaming Options
If you don't feel safe coming to in-person services, you can live stream them from the following links:
Our YouTube channel is currently the recommended option.
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