Joe Lazear and Maria Mason prepared the registration table. |
Amy Frankel and Joe Lazear registered guests. |

Centerpieces and decorations were by Amy Frankel and Maria Mason. |

All the donors received a complimentary bottle of Kosher wine. |

NHS Student Rabbi Sara and her husband Ben Zober. |

Vic Amster and Marv Mandelbaum. |

Alex & Candy Gellen with Sandy & Ron Richards.

Connie Hinitz and Lois & Jeff Gushin enjoy the appetizers. |

Matt Lee, NHS President, and Hank Stern at the drinks table. |

Connie Hinitz, Cheryl Bernstein and Julie Pentelnik enjoy the appetizers. |

Katrina and Ben Lee. |

Maria Mason played Marsha Dimes, and Karyn Lazear was Mona Lott. |

Maria Mason and the bottles of wine for the donors. |

Cecil B. Demented with Keith Bookbinder, photographer. |

Gayna Bassin, photographer. |

Gloria Swansong makes her entrance. |

Brian Freedman played G.G. Banks Jr., the director of B.U.M. studios. |

Karyn Lazear presented Brian with a surprise birthday cake!
Happy birthday, Brian! |

Cecil B. Demented with Barry Wolfson as Mack Factor, a make-up artist. |

Royal Duncan played Ima Pushover, Gloria's secretary. |

Richard Rashty hammed it up as Tapp Dancer, Gloria's choreographer. |

Richard really got into his part. |

Lynn Kohel was Rita Ruffles, Gloria's dress designer. |

Cheryl Bernstein played Bobbi Workman, Gloria's best "friend". |

Was the wine poisoned? |

Dot Levenson was Starr Wannabe, an aspiring actress, with a perfume bottle. |

Mark Workman played Dr. U. Feelgood, plastic surgeon to the stars,
who later declares Gloria dead. |

Barry Wolfson talks to "Will Writer", the Master of Ceremonies. |

Will Writer interrogates the suspects in the audience. |

Gloria's sister Missy arrives late to the party. |

During the break for dessert, Brian Freedman sliced his birthday cake. |

After dessert, Will Writer analyzed the clues and motives. |

Surprise! He was the killer! |

Homer Jethro tallied the votes. |

Jeff Bassin was one of several prize winners.

Ben Lee won the grand prize! |
Many thanks to the WhoDunnit players for a delightful evening!