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Lights, Camera, Murder!

A Murder Mystery Fundraiser Event

Saturday, February 10, 2018
7:30 pm

Lights, Camera, Murder! A Murder Mystery Fundraiser Event at NHS on Saturday, February 10, 2018.

A Murder Mystery Event at Northern Hills Synagogue. Whodunit?  The Whodunit Players guided us through the evening to solve the murder of Miss Gloria Swansong. Featuring NHS members Brian Freedman as GG Banks, Barry Wolfson as Mack Factor, Royal Duncan as Ima Pushover, Richard Rashty as Tapp Dancer, Lynn Kohel as Rita Ruffles, Cheryl Bernstein as Bobbi Workman, Dot Levenson as Starr Wannabe, Mark Workman as Dr. U. Feelgood, Karyn Kern-Lazear as Mona Lott, and Maria Mason as Marsha Dimes.

Many thanks to our Fundraiser Chair, Jeff Bassin, the Event Committee and all our volunteers.

Here are a few choice photos below. See all the rest and order prints at:

Photography by Gayna Bassin and Keith Bookbinder.

Joe Lazear and Maria Mason prepared the registration table.
Amy Frankel and Joe Lazear registered guests.

Centerpieces and decorations were by Amy Frankel and Maria Mason.

All the donors received a complimentary bottle of Kosher wine.

NHS Student Rabbi Sara and her husband Ben Zober.

Vic Amster and Marv Mandelbaum.

Alex & Candy Gellen with Sandy & Ron Richards.

Connie Hinitz and Lois & Jeff Gushin enjoy the appetizers.

Matt Lee, NHS President, and Hank Stern at the drinks table.

Connie Hinitz, Cheryl Bernstein and Julie Pentelnik enjoy the appetizers.

Katrina and Ben Lee.

Maria Mason played Marsha Dimes, and Karyn Lazear was Mona Lott.

Maria Mason and the bottles of wine for the donors.

Cecil B. Demented with Keith Bookbinder, photographer.

Gayna Bassin, photographer.

Gloria Swansong makes her entrance.

Brian Freedman played G.G. Banks Jr., the director of B.U.M. studios.

Karyn Lazear presented Brian with a surprise birthday cake!
Happy birthday, Brian!

Cecil B. Demented with Barry Wolfson as Mack Factor, a make-up artist.

Royal Duncan played Ima Pushover, Gloria's secretary.

Richard Rashty hammed it up as Tapp Dancer, Gloria's choreographer.

Richard really got into his part.

Lynn Kohel was Rita Ruffles, Gloria's dress designer.

Cheryl Bernstein played Bobbi Workman, Gloria's best "friend".

Was the wine poisoned?

Dot Levenson was Starr Wannabe, an aspiring actress, with a perfume bottle.

Mark Workman played Dr. U. Feelgood, plastic surgeon to the stars,
who later declares Gloria dead.

Barry Wolfson talks to "Will Writer", the Master of Ceremonies.

Will Writer interrogates the suspects in the audience.

Gloria's sister Missy arrives late to the party.

During the break for dessert, Brian Freedman sliced his birthday cake.

After dessert, Will Writer analyzed the clues and motives.

Surprise! He was the killer!

Homer Jethro tallied the votes.

Jeff Bassin was one of several prize winners.

Ben Lee won the grand prize!
Many thanks to the WhoDunnit players for a delightful evening!


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