Lunch and a Musical Program
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
12 Noon
Featuring Peter Tomaino &
Claire Lee, piano
HaZak, our Solomon Schechter Award-winning program, is dedicated to serving the social, educational, and religious needs of our members aged 55 and over. The word HaZaK, which means "strength" in Hebrew, also stands for Hokhma (Wisdom), Ziknah (Maturity) and Kadimah (Looking Forward). NHS Hazak offers a free lunch and program once a month at Northern Hills Synagogue.
NHS Hazak was proud to present Peter Tomaino, opera singer, accompanied by Claire Lee on the piano. Peter and his wife Barbie also cooked the delicious Italian lunch of lasagne and tiramisu dessert. Peter sang 3 songs after lunch: Nesun Dorma from Giacomo Puccini's opera Turandot, Lamento di Federico from L'arlesiana, and Il pagliaccio. He sang 3 more after dessert: Paro de Amor waltz, Santa Lucia, and, by special request, My Yiddishe Mama.
Peter Tomaino came to America from Calambria, Italy, in 1958. He grew up in Brooklyn, NY, in a largely Italian neighborhood. At 17, he was accepted at the Metropolitan Opera to sing in the chorus and a variety of small parts. He also performed occasionally at resorts in the Catskill Mountains in New York. Now, as a resident of Cincinnati and a member of Northern Hills Synagogue, he is enjoying his passion for opera again.
Claire Lee is a graduate of UC’s College-Conservatory of Music with a Master of Music degree in Piano Accompanying. She is a free-lance accompanist and entertainer and accompanies the Broadway series of student concerts at Hebrew Union College, where for many years she was the organist. Claire also plays flute in the UC Community Summer Band and the New Horizons Band, and keyboards for the New Horizons Dixieland Band and the Queen City Klezmorim. At Northern Hills Synagogue, she directs the High Holiday choir and is a member of the Kabbalat Shabbat instrumental ensemble.

Claire Lee, pianist, and Peter Tomaino, opera singer. |

Elaine Hordes, Hazak Chair, and Bobbi Handwerger registered people as they entered. |

Authentic Italian lasagne (kosher), cooked by the Tomainos in the NHS kitchen,
with salad and rolls. |

Barbie Tomaino (left) said HaMotzi, the blessing over bread. Elaine Hordes (right). |

Henry & Diana Fenichel and Marv Mandelbaum at the lunch buffet. |

People at the lunch buffet. |

After lunch, Elaine Hordes introduced Peter and Claire. |

Peter spoke about his background and about the songs. |

Claire Lee also talked to the audience. |

At intermission, everyone helped themselves to tiramisu, Pizzelle Italian cookies
and other desserts. |

The line for dessert! |

Sarah Barnard led Birkat HaMazon, Grace after Meals. |

After Birkat, Peter sang 3 more songs. |

Bobbi Handwerger thanked our soloists and read announcements. |

Barbie Tomaino with her tiramisu. |
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