HaZaK, which stands for Hokma (wisdom), Zikna (maturity), and Kadima (forward), provides monthly programs for people 55+ beginning at noon with a luncheon followed by the program.
On February 19th, the Northern Hills HaZaK program featured Cheryl Popp and Scott Kuhr who told about the origins of Honor Flights as well as some stories about the veterans that have traveled with them. They also showed a short film about the program.
Our veterans have given so much to ensure that our country remains free. Memorials in Washington, D.C. attest to their courage. However, not all veterans have the means to travel to see firsthand these meaningful memorials. Honor-Flights Tristate offers free Honor Flights transportation and tour guides to all veterans of World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam war aged 65 and older who either served stateside or overseas, so they may visit their memorials in Washington, D.C. Volunteers or family members travel along with the vets as Honor Flight Guardians, who pay $600 per person. Veterans also receive a "Mail Call", a package of letters from children and adults, thanking them for their service.
When asked how she got involved with the Honor flight program, Popp replied, "Honor Flight chose me - being the daughter of a World War ll veteran, who never talked about his experiences in the war, made me more and more interested in the veterans from that era. My father was never able to go on a flight because of his failing health. I was a guardian on three flights with other veterans, and seeing the joy and tears on their faces, I knew I had to get involved. That was 75 flights ago!! The emotion and thank yous from the veterans make it all worthwhile."
Chery Popp has written two books featuring stories of veterans: "Legacy of Courage: Stories of Honor Flight Veterans" and "Legacy of Courage ll: More stories of Honor Flight Veterans". They were available for purchase that day also.
Sonia Milrod led Birkat HaMazon after the delicious lunch buffet, then introduced the speakers. She also announced several upcoming programs at NHS: the next Hazak will be on March 18 and will feature the 911 story "Come From Away", plus Book Club on March 8 and Sisterhood Shabbat on March 14.

Scott Kuhr, Cheryl Popp and Sarah Barnard. |

Jeri Fish performs the bracha for washing hands before eating. |

Sonia Milrod, standing, led Birkat HaMazon, Grace after Meals. |

Sonia Milrod made some announcements and introduced our guest speakers. |

Scott Ruhr and Cheryl Popp led the Pledge of Allegiance. |

Cheryl Popp began the presentation with a short video. |

Powerpoint slide of a Guardian with an Honor Flight veteran. |

Learn more at honorflighttristate.org |

Cheryl Popp talked about their program. |

Scott Ruhl also talked about the program. |

Diana Fenichel talked to Scott and Cheryl afterwards. |

Cheryl Popp's books were available for purchase. |

Carol Hershenson interviewed Harriet Freedman for an article in the American Israelite. |