Wednesday, December 19, 2018
12:00 PM
"Update on the Jewish Home of Cincinnati and Cedar Village"
Guest Speaker: Oscar Jarnicki
Hazak is the NHS award-winning program for those over 55 young. Sarah Barnard said the HaMotzi blessing and we enjoyed a delicious lunch of hot vegetable soup and tuna and egg salad sandwiches. Rabbi Barnard led Birkat HaMazon, grace after eating.
Oscar Jarnicki, our guest speaker, is Current President and CEO of the Jewish Home of Cincinnati and Cedar Village Foundation. The Jewish Home is the organization created when the Orthodox Jewish Home and Glen Manor merged to create Cedar Village. He spoke about the sale of Cedar Village and how the Jewish Home will continue to serve the physical and spiritual needs of the residents there. Several people in the audience asked pertinent questions.
The new Cedar Village will eventually switch over to the "Beacon Hill" model for senior living, which will feature multi-generational living. The Jewish Foundation has provided funds to form a committee to address "Aging 2.0", including adult day care, respite care, aging in place (staying at home), and short term rehabilitation.
As a result of the sale, only part of the Cedar Village kitchen will remain kosher after January 15, 2019. The Jewish Home will continue to provide Jewish culture and food for the next 3 years, and then will reassess the situation.
Photography by Gayna Bassin.

Sarah Barnard recited HaMotzi, the blessing over bread. |

Edie Neusner and Paula Nevens served hot vegetable soup. |

Rabbi Barnard led us in singing "Birkat HaMazon", Grace after Eating. |

Sarah Barnard introduced Oscar Jarnicki. |

Oscar Jarnicki takes the mic from Sarah. |

Oscar Jarnicki talked a little about the history of Jewish Cincinnati. |

Oscar Jarnicki answered questions from the audience. |

Sarah Barnard thanked everyone for coming. |

Elaine Hordes closed the program by announcing future Hazak programs in January and February. |
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