Planning for the Future:
Downsizing and Ageing Well in Cincinnati
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Are you worried about how in the world you will ever be able to downsize after living in your home for years? The November 20th HaZak program at Northern Hills Synagogue featured three speakers who provided helpful suggestions. There was a buffet lunch before the program. Sonia Milrod was Program Chair and introduced the speakers, Betsy Goldfarb, June Ridgway and Yair Walton.
Betsy Goldfarb, founder and former owner of Queen City Transitions, spoke about "The Psychological Benefits to Downsizing; It's Never too Early to Start". She said, "Many of our clients are paralyzed at the thought of downsizing after living in their home for many decades. The most important thing is to get started. We provide them with a plan and a compassionate team to help them step-by-step." Ms. Goldfarb discussed the growth of the Senior Move Management industry and gave participants tips to get started downsizing as well on a paper handout.
Since starting Queen City Transitions in 2008, Betsy Goldfarb has spent thousands of hours helping clients downsize, move, de-clutter and organize. She has a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Michigan. Betsy has achieved Level I as a Certified Hoarding Specialist from the Institute of Challenging Disorganization and sits on the Hamilton County Hoarding Task Force. Queen City Transitions now has 14 employees and enjoys an A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau of Cincinnati.
June Ridgway and Yair Walton outlined the services that AgeWell Cincinnati provides to members of the 60+ community and caregivers in the region. AgeWell Cincinnati helps clients access services that relate to aging in order to assist them in taking care of their physical, emotional, financial and spiritual lives.
June Ridgway has more than 30 years of experience, including 15 years as a medical social worker at The University Hospital and manager in the Aging and Caregiver Services Department at Jewish Family Service. She received her Master's in Social Work at the University of Michigan and is licensed in Ohio and Michigan, and she achieved the National Association of Social Workers' Certified Advanced Social Work Case Manager (C-ASWCM) specialty certification.
Yair Walton is a 4th-year rabbinical student at HUC in Cincinnati And the Rabbinic Outreach Coordinator for AgeWell Cincinnati. Before coming to HUC he worked with Jewish youth in various capacities. Yair is interested in how relationships build Jewish communities and how to build communities of support.
Yair Walton said, "Medicare, retirement, and aging are all complex topics that can seem overwhelming. AgeWell Cincinnati is here to help guide and connect you to agencies that will assist you thought this complex process. AgeWell is here as your teammate thought this whole journey."
HaZak, which stands for Hokma (wisdom), Zikna (maturity), and Kadima (forward) provides monthly programs for people 55+ at Northern Hills Synagogue. "HaZak programs are free and open to the public, but donations insure the continuation of the program." said Sonia Milrod, HaZak co-chair.

Yair Walton, Betsy Goldfarb and June Ridgway. |

Rabbi George Barnard recited HaMotzi, the blessing for bread. |

Everyone loved the delicious buffet lunch. |

Sarah Barnard led the Birkat HaMazon, blessings after a meal. |

Sonia Milrod introduced our guest speakers. |

Betsy Goldfarb spoke first. |

Betsy gave everyone a handout with tips on how to downsize our possessions. |

June Ridgway talked about AgeWell Cincinnati. |

Yair Walton talked about the need for adult day care in the community. |

Everyone listened attentively to this important subject matter. |