Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Guest Speaker: Skip Holmes
Spring Grove Cemetery Docent
HaZak, our Solomon Schechter Award-winning program, is dedicated to serving the social, educational, and religious needs of our members aged 55 and over. The word HaZaK, which means "strength" in Hebrew, also stands for Hokhma (Wisdom), Ziknah (Maturity) and Kadimah (Looking Forward).
Guest Speaker Skip Holmes gave an entertaining and informative presentation about the numerous Presidential Connections in the history of Spring Grove Cemetery. While there are no American presidents buried there, there are a surprising number of family members, friends and business associates buried there amid magnificent monuments and gorgeous scenery. Guided tours are available at Spring Grove too!
Photography by Gayna Bassin.

Our lunch featured two different pastas, plus salad and dessert. |

The dessert table had assorted cookies, grapes and clementines. |

Beverly Saeks and Rabbi David Siff. |

Baby Aliza Siff was camera-shy. |

Rabbi Siff led Birkat HaMazon, Grace after Meals. |

Skip Holmes brought informative handouts from Spring Grove Cemetery. |

Bea Goodman introduced Skip Holmes to the audience. |

Skip Holmes showed a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate his history of Spring Grove Cemetery. |

Spring Grove Cemetery and Connections to the Presidents of the United States, by Skip Holmes, Docent. |

Jesse and Hannah Grant, parents of Ulysses S. Grant, are buried here. No, Grant is not buried in "Grant's Tomb". |

Joseph and George, the infant sons of Rutherford B. Hayes, are buried here. |

Abraham Lincoln visited Spring Grove Cemetery in 1855. |

Judson Harmon was the Attorney General for Grover Cleveland. |

Robert Buchanan was a first cousin to James Buchanan. He was instrumental in the establishment of Spring Grove Cemetery and was its first president from 1845-1879. |

John McLean was US Postmaster for Monroe and John Quincy Adams. He was appointed to the US Supreme Court by Andrew Jackson, one of three Supreme Court Justices buried here. |

Salmon P. Chase was Chief Justice of the Supreme Court under Lincoln and Andrew Johnson. After he died, his portrait was put on the $10,000 bill. |

Colonel Leopold Markbreit was a law partner of Rutherford B. Hayes. He was also Mayor of Cincinnati from 1908-1909.

Skip Holmes, Spring Grove Cemetery Docent and entertaining guest speaker, once sang for Ronald Reagan! |
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