May 16, 2018

NHS Hazak featured a program about musical satirist Tom Lehrer on Wednesday, May 16, 2018, at 12 noon. Guest speaker Hirsh Cohen is a retired healthcare executive who studied classical bass and tuba, played in the Canadian Army and Air Force bands, and directed both big bands and small ensembles. He plays several instruments in community bands and moderates programs at OLLI. His presentation covered the life and times of Tom Lehrer and featured 20 of his most popular songs.

Carol Hershenson registered guests and signed up
NHS members for the new Photo Directory. |

Jeff Bassin invited everyone to the upcoming River City Kosher Barbeque Festival on Sunday, June 3, 2018, from 12 noon to 4pm. |

The Lunch Buffet. |

Bobbi Handwerger, Hazak Chair, welcomed everyone. |

Claire Lee ritually washed her hands before the HaMotzi. |

Claire Lee recited HaMotzi, blessing over bread. |

People at the lunch buffet table. |

Rabbi George Barnard led Birkat HaMazon, grace after eating. |

Birkat HaMazon. |

Claire Lee spoke about the upcoming Shavuot programs at NHS. |

Bobbi Handwerger introduced guest speaker Hirsh Cohen. |

Hirsh Cohen. |

Hirsh Cohen and Bobbi Handwerger. |

Sarah and Rabbi George Barnard. |
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