The Goodness of Gander
Guest Speaker: Rosemary Deitzer
Most American adults know exactly where they were and what they were doing on September 11, 2001. However, 6500 people who were on board 38 planes have a special memory. They were on flights diverted to the small town of Gander, Newfoundland, where they found unexpected hospitality and made new lifelong connections.
On March 18, Rosemary Deitzer will tell the story of "The Goodness of Gander" at the Northern Hills Synagogue HaZaK program. The program will begin at noon with a luncheon followed by the speaker.
Ms. Deitzer said, "This is simply a story of people doing good. Hear how the citizens of Gander hosted 6500 people for four days on one hour's notice beginning on America's worst day, September 11, 2001."
Rosemary Dietzer likes to tell good news stories. She shares her enthusiasm for good people with her audiences. She is a retired association manager and meeting planner. She has been a lifelong volunteer and an active volunteer with Hospice of Cincinnati for eight years. Her passion is creating new ideas and making them happen.
Sonia Milrod, HaZaK co-chair, said, "HaZaK programs are free and open to the public, but donations ensure the continuation of the program and reservations are required so that enough food can be prepared."
HaZaK stands for Hokma (wisdom), Zikna (maturity), and Kadima (forward) provides monthly programs for people 55+ at Northern Hills Synagogue, 5714 Fields Ertel Road (between I-71 and Snider Road) beginning at noon with a luncheon followed by the program. For more information or to make reservations, contact Northern Hills Synagogue at (513) 938-6038.