Lunch and Program
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
12 noon
Guest Speaker Donald Hordes
NHS HaZak met on Wednesday, December 21, 2016 at 12 noon for a delicious lunch and program. Elaine Hordes recited the Ha Motzi prayer over bread, and everyone enjoyed the lunch buffet of salad, rolls and pasta. Elaine Hordes is Hazak Chair.
Sonia Milrod led the singing of Birkat HaMazon (Grace after a Meal) and then, guest Speaker Donald Hordes talked about a variety of cases regarding different facets of the separation of church and state in the USA. In some cases, the Supreme Court ruled against using the word "God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and at school invocations. Public symbols like a Christmas trees, nativity scenes or the 10 Commandments were more divisive. The question of teaching "Creationism" vs. evolution in public schools was discussed. At what point does protest against public religious symbols become oppressive, spoiling the fun for everyone?
Photography by Gayna Bassin.

Elaine Hordes said the HaMotzi blessing for bread. |

Sonia Milrod (standing) led Birat HaMazon (Grace after a Meal). |

Attorney Donald Hordes spoke about the separation of church and state. |
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