Sundays: 10:00 - 12:30
Mondays – Wednesdays – Fridays: 11:00 – 4:00 & by appointment
(513) 512-3849 or 903-7461
Including but not limited to:
Hanukkiahs, crafts, coloring & activity books, giftware, dreidels, kitchen items, books, jewelry, chocolate gelt, shofarot, wine fountains, talitot, gift bags, wrap & tags, challah covers, childrens' games, puzzles, toys, unique drip trays, tableware, matzoh covers, Judaica, battery candles, mezuzot, decorations
* With the exceptions of:
klaf(parchments), Haggadot, Michael Bassin's book "I Am Not A Spy", cook books, cards, candles, previously marked sale items
Mensch on a Bench characters & silicone bakeware = 10% discount only
The sale begins Monday, December 9 through Sunday, December 22. We will have our display tables of all our sale items set up in the lobby by Sunday, December 8, which is our Sisterhood meeting day.
We have received sets of 9 blue battery operated Hanukkah candles---super safe, flickering, no smoke!
Also we will have several new toys for the little ones as well as our children's Hanukkah games assortment.
With your 10% Sisterhood membership discount,
your discount will be a total of 20% off!
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