NHS Sisterhood and Men's Club Presents:
Immigration and HIAS
Guest Speaker: Sandy Spinner
March 3, 2019
10:15 a.m.
We began our snowy morning with a lovely bagel brunch prepared by Amy Healy-Callahan. There were 22 in attendance. Our guest speaker was Sandy Spinner.
Sandy is an advocate and internationally known expert on refugee issues. She currently serves on the board of The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society. HIAS has been rescuing people whose lives are in danger, including ethnic, religious and sexual minorities for more than 135 years. Sandy spoke about her travels to the refugee camps in Lesbos, Greece, travels to the Ukraine where she sponsored two young Muslim girls, and conditions in Venezuela and our border with Mexico.
It truly was a very eye opening talk of the problems facing refugees and how we need as a congregation to keep informed and become advocates. To learn more go to https://www.hias.org/take-action
Photos by Henry Fenichel and Karyn Lazear.
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