2020-5781 High Holiday Services
At and by Northern Hills Synagogue
The High Holidays begin this year in the midst of a very unusual, coronavirus-surrounded time. The Board of Trustees and Executive Committee, our High Holidays Task Force, and our High Holidays Planning Committee have all been working diligently since March to design High Holidays services experiences that will be live, immersive, and rewarding for all of our members and friends!
Here is a summary of our 2020-5781 High Holidays services "menu" and experiences. We hope our High Holiday services provide you with an invigorating, enjoyable and meaningful experience.
In-Person Services: We will conduct in-person services in our Roth Sanctuary, with seating limited to 50 individuals at each service. Seating will be spread throughout the Roth Sanctuary and a portion of the Social Hall to assure safe distancing and maximum per-person ventilation; all attendees will be required to wear masks over their nose and mouth, follow instructions for entering and exiting the Synagogue, sitting in their assigned seats, and to participate vocally in normal speaking voices so as to maximize safety. Requests for in-person attendance must be made in advance. If you did not receive our email message that contains the link to a questionnaire you can complete to make your requests, please click here or call us at (513) 931-6038.
Live-Streaming of All of Our In-Person Services: We will live-streaming each of our in-person services: you will be able to watch -- live -- all of the services from your homes.
Re-Imagined Services: Since those attending in-person will be asked to remain in their seats, and since many will be watching at home, we have revamped our Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services so that, regardless of whether you are sitting in the Roth Sanctuary or participating at home, you will enjoy an immersive and captivating service:
Compact Services to Enhance the Viewing Experience: We have completely revised each of our principal services so that no service will last longer than approximately two hours. We have omitted some familiar but problematic service features to minimize movement (and thereby increase safety) in the Roth Sanctuary and to heighten the flow of the choreography of each service.
Wishing you all a sweet and healthy New Year!
L'Shanah Tovah Tikatevu!

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