Join us for a Caring Chavurah Meeting
Wednesday evening, December 10 at 7:30 pm
In the Youth Lounge
Building on our congregation's commitment to gemilut hasadim and bikkur cholim, we are starting a new initiative to comfort our members in time of need and to celebrate with them as well. This will involve providing Shabbat or gift baskets to those who have suffered a loss, are not well, or are celebrating something special. It is the equivalent of giving the member a hug.
Jeff Bassin and Jeanne Aronoff are co-chairing this project. We will hold a planning meeting on Wednesday evening, December 10 at 7:30 pm in the Youth Lounge. We hope that all who are interested in helping with this important project will attend. For more information, please call Jeff at 793-7369 (h) or 319-7360 (c) or Jeanne at 678-1197 (c).

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