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NHS photographers: Gayna Bassin, Henry Fenichel, Jane Karlsberg.

Master of Ceremonies Bill Freedman.

Congregation B'nai Avraham Display table

Valerie Schechter, Fred Zorndorf and Carol Comins Max, members of the
original Congregation B'nai Avraham.

Our Entertainment: Jaime Kaufman, flugelhorn, and Dan Karlsberg, piano

Amazing Magician Tom Bemmes did a card trick.
Click here to like Tom on Facebook!

Tom Bemmes also did magic tricks for members of the audience.

Judy Miller sang hilarious musical parodies with Claire Lee, piano.

Comedian and student Rabbi Michael "Ziggy" Danziger
entertained us with his take on Jewish life.
Click here to like Michael on Facebook!

Jeff Bassin and Henry Fenichel enjoy some wine.

Centerpiece on the appetizer table was made out of vegetables.

Holly Robinson, Fred Zorndorf (a founding member of CBA) and Rocky Weiser.

Barbara Liss, Carol Comins Max (a founding member of CBA),
Lois Pornoy and Gayna Bassin.

Mitch and Natalie Freeman (Event Chair),
Dan Karlsberg, and Jane and Mark Karlsberg.

It was a wonderful evening!