Adult Hebrew Classes
We "rebooted" our adult Hebrew program this fall. We are doing three regular classes:
1. Sundays at 2pm: A beginner-level class, focusing on reading pointed Hebrew (with vowels) more accurately and quickly. This is open to all; no Hebrew school background required.
2. Wednesdays at 7pm: An intermediate-level class with a focus on grammar and vocabulary. Texts will mostly be Biblical and Rabbinic Hebrew.
3. TBA: An advanced class focusing mainly on Modern Hebrew as it is spoken in Israel, with some short unpointed texts (no vowels) from newspapers and books to read for discussion.
And in addition to these, Rabbi Ferro would also like us to offer some "clinics" on leading services as a Sheliaḥ Tzibbur, learning new liturgical melodies, learning to chant Torah, and learning to chant Haftarah.
If interested, contact Rabbi Ferro at

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