Mitzvah Challenge

Looking for the Perfect Mitzvah Project? Celebrate your bar or bat mitzvah and make it even more meaningful by taking the Mitzvah Challenge!

Mitzvah Challenge is a youth run project of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati.
Contribute a minimum of $100 of your B'nai Mitzvah gifts to a special fund at the Jewish Federation. These dollars will be matched dollar for dollar by a generous grant from the Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati. Your money will be pooled together and everyone will be able to determine where the funds should go.

Dianne Rosenberg and an adult volunteer committee will provide assistance during the process. All the funds contributed by you and your b'nai mitzvah friends at Northern Hills Synagogue and in Cincinnati will be given to Tzedakah projects locally, in Israel, and around the world. You will learn about the values of building our community and being responsible for others.

To learn more about the program and how you can make a diffference in our community, log on to, call Barb Miller at (513) 985-1528 or e-mail her at


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