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NHS Sisterhood Brunch

September 23, 2018

NHS Sisterhood kicked off the new season with a brunch and program featuring our new Rabbi, Rabbi Noah Ferro.

Photography by Gayna Bassin.

Diana Fenichel signs in Karyn Lazear and Connie Hinitz.

Assorted raffle prizes were displayed on the Mazel Tov Tablecloth.

People could put their tickets in bags for specific Raffle prizes.

Grace Lehrer gets some hot tea.

A variety of drinks and desserts.

Lois Pornoy and Gayna Bassin get drinks.

The lunch buffet table.

Sisterhood Co-Presidents Judy Workman and Royal Duncan welcomed everyone.

Connie Hinitz led the BIrkat HaMazon, Grace after a Meal.

Judy and Royal introduced Rabbi Ferro.

Rabbi Noah Ferro led a lively discussion about the holiday of Sukkoth.

After the Rabbi's talk, Royal Duncan pulled winning tickets for the raffle.

Beverly Saeks won a Hamsa wall decoration.

Paula Nevins won a porcelain kiddush cup.

Harriet Freedman won a Starbucks gift card.

Sonia Milrod also won a Starbuck gift card.

Candy Gellen won a beautiful scarf.

Sarah Barnard won colorful shabbat candles.


A great time was had by all!


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